Co.Laborations newsletter #3
Dear colleagues, | |
After a few lo-fi newsletters, it is time to upgrade. The newsletter now has clear items. And banners. And we’ll send them out on a regular base, usually just before a planned MCW café. It is the product of Francine van Beusekom, who, together with Rinke de Haan, joins Co.Laborations to help with communication. With the newsletter, we want to inform you about ongoing activities and invite you to contribute with your projects and partnerships. After all, Co.Laborations cannot exist without you!
Where does Co.Laborations stand now? If last academic year was about developing directions and setting up the necessary conditions and infrastructures for a totally new organization, this year is going to be about increasing our visibility, ongoing experimentation, formulating lessons learned, and assessing the added value of Co.Laborations. By now, you probably know that through partnerships Co.Laborations aims to strengthen education and research, increase societal impact, and provide clearer job perspectives for our students. This is done by forging new contacts or strengthening existing collaborations in the fields of media and culture, by collecting best practices in exchanging expertise, by enabling staff and students to develop new initiatives through the Co.Lab fund, and by organizing interdisciplinary dialogues and events. Where do we want to go? We anticipate on a future in which societal relevance is becoming an increasingly important part of our work as humanities scholars. This calls for interdisciplinary approaches to our ‘core business’ of teaching, doing research, and generating societal impact. Despite the planned relocation of our department to Parnassos still being unsure, Co.Laborations wants to be the ‘lab space’ for such experiments. What new visions and concepts can we develop to productively exchange expertise and increase our societal impact? From numerous informal chats and conversations, we’ve learned that many of us at MCW are already doing interdisciplinary projects. For starters, we can make that more visible and learn from it. In the next few weeks, Rinke de Haan plans to knock on your office door to hear more about your activities and ideas for exchanging expertise. Meanwhile, don’t forget to apply for the Co.Lab fund if you have a good idea and need some money! |
See you soon, Michiel de Lange |
On June 30, 2017, Co.Laborations organized a dynamic program during the MCW staff day. Partnerships with organizations from the field of media and culture were highlighted. Together with several partners we offered a demonstration of ongoing, and planned collaborations in which MCW is involved. Moreover, during this carrousel we got a feeling for the spatial possibilities of Parnassos, at Kruisstraat 201. It proved to be an inspiring afternoon. A 3-minute video report was made of the day. Interested? You can watch it here! | ![]() |
Elliot String Quartet in Parnassos
On the 24th of May, 2017, Floris Schuiling – with support of Co.Laborations – organized an event on music and media during which the Eliot String Quartet gave a workshop on the role of old and new media in historical musical performance. Couldn’t be there? You can now find a report, written by Floris Schuiling himself, on the Co.Laborations website.
Masterclass by Janet Murray: “Making Interactive Narrative”
On September 29, 2017, Nanna Verhoeff and Michiel de Lange organized an RMeS masterclass in partnership with the Netherlands Film Festival (NFF) revolving around the topic “Making Interactive Narrative”. It was given by renowned scholar Janet Murray, who focuses on interactive design and specializes in digital narrative and digital humanities. Click here to read more.
Tabita Rezaire Lecture and Screening
Koen Leurs, Domitilla Olivieri and Michiel de Lange organized a lecture and screening with media artist Tabita Rezaire on October 5th, 2017, in Parnassos. The session was titled “Decolonial Trinity: Technologies of the Spiritual, Erotic and Politics”. Tabita Rezaire introduced and discussed her video work for an hour, followed by a 30 minute Q&A session. Click here for a full report.
Cinekid and Student Collaboration
In the last week of October, Cinekid organized the Cinekid Film, Television and Digital Media Festival for children. Head of Film, Erik Tijman, and intern / Assistant Production Film Nikki Esselaar (student TCS at Utrecht University) gave students of the Practicum Film and Media Culture course the assignment to make a short item about one of eight films in the international program by interviewing the (mostly very young) actors and directors. Cinekid placed five of these eight productions on their YouTube Channel: one, two, three, four, five.
(08-01-2018) MCW and Sonic Acts RMeS Seminar: “What, of Art, Belongs to the Present?”
The Media and Culture Studies department MCW and cultural organization Sonic Acts join forces to organize a seminar series in January/February 2018. It is part of a longer running relationship and an investigation of new kinds of collaboration, between Rick Dolphijn and Sonic Acts. Interested? Click here for more information.
(08-05-2018) MCW Mini-conference on Copyright, Authorship, and Open Culture Jasmijn van Gorp, Michiel Kamp and Michiel de Lange are planning an event around Copyright, Authorship, and Open Culture mini-conference, for Spring next year. Interested? Click here for more information. |
Are you organizing an event in the (nearby) future? Do you have an ongoing partnership that you would like to highlight? Would you like it to be more visible? Great! We’re happy to help spread the news about your activities via our communication channels, which include the website, the Muntstraat screen, and our newsletter. All you have to do is send an e-mail with the following information: the title of the event, the date and time it will take place, the location, possible fee, mode of registration, and a short text of approximately 200 to 300 words. If possible, also provide us with (audio)visual content such as picture- or movie files. We’re looking forward to help making your events public! |
This newsletter is an initiative of Co.Laborations, the Media and Culture Studies Expertise Centre. It will be sent out on a monthly basis on approximately the last Thursday of the month. COÖRDINATORS: Michiel de Lange, Sanne Sprenger ● TEAM MEMBERS: Jasmijn van Gorp, Michiel Kamp, Sigrid Merx, Domitilla Olivieri ● STUDENT MEMBERS: Francine van Beusekom, Rinke de Haan. You can contact us on