CO.LABORATIONS | Partnerships in Media and Culture


MCW collaborates with partners in new research project about responsible smart cities

MCW is partnering in a new NWO-funded research project called ”Designing for Controversies in Responsible Smart Cities”. The mid-sized and centrally located municipality of Amersfoort is building a new Internet of Things infrastructure. A consortium of public and private partners will develop a government+citizen+academic+industry collaboration (a so-called ’quadruple helix’) that allows a wide range of stakeholders to become involved in shaping their urban future. In a series of co-design sessions a number of ethical, juridical, and social controversies are made visible and debatable, as a way to garner broader engagement, agency and support. Consortium partners include The Municipality of Amersfoort, Marxman Advocaten, Aerovision, Kennislab voor Urbanisme, and the Design Innovation Groep. This collaboration helps to strengthen the overall research profile and impact of MCW in the field of Media and Urban Culture.

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