Co.Laborations newsletter #4

Dear colleagues,
Let me begin with a little confession. While preparing this newsletter, we initially worried about actually having something new to write about. Well, it merely took a 10 minute brainstorm to list a host of new and updated projects in which partnerships with the professional field are central. To me, this shows how our department has become increasingly aware of the added value of academic-professional collaborations, of our own potential, and of the importance to document and report on what we do. It has become a ’thing’ at MCW, so to say. Meanwhile, the Co.Lab team are planning to dedicate much of their energy in getting your experiences and stories of partnerships.
For now I will leave you with this recommended read (in Dutch), shared by Co.Lab team member Domi: “Waarom ik, ondanks alles, wél bij de universiteit blijf”. |
See you soon,
Michiel de Lange |
On the 26th of June, 2018, the international conference Media in Transition – which, in the past, was hosted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) – will take place in Utrecht. Organized by our own Judith Keilbach, Nanna Verhoeff, Karin van Es, Nina Köll and Hanna Surma, this one-day event will revolve around the imminent future of the media industry; both in a national and in an international context. The day is structured into four plenary sessions surrounding topics like “Media Industries: Changing Strategies” and “Participatory Literacies”. Several international academics – Henry Jenkins, Jay David Bolter, Jennifer Holt, Vicky Mayer, Amanda Lotz, Lisa Parks, and William Uricchio amongst others –, partners from cultural institutions, and important players from within the media industries will take part in discussions concerning transformations within the field. The eventual goal of this event is to strengthen our ties with the media industry, and to facilitate the exchange of knowledge between academics and practitioners. Interested? You can read more on the MiT@UU website.
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CADEAH: A New Collaboration Around Heritage
European History Reloaded: Curation and Appropriation of Digital Audiovisual Heritage (CADEAH) is the title of a programme that is awarded a three-year research grant by the EC Horizon 2020 programme JPICH Digital Heritage. Coordinated by Eggo Müller, Professor of Media and communication at the Department of Media and Culture Studies, Utrecht University, the programme will investigate the circulation and appropriation of audiovisual heritage online. Click here for more information.
Collaboration MA Contemporary Theatre, Dance and Dramaturgy and MA Scenography HKU
From January 8 till 12, 2018, right after the Christmas break, a group of 14 students from the MA Contemporary Theatre, Dance and Dramaturgy (UU) and 11 students from the MA Scenography (HKU) worked together in small teams during an intensive studio week. For both groups, the studio week was an opportunity to find out how one can collaborate in artistic processes, each from one’s own particular perspective and skills. Click here to read more.
MCW Collaborates with Partners in New Research Project about Responsible Smart Cities
MCW is partnering in a new NWO-funded research project called ”Designing for Controversies in Responsible Smart Cities”. The mid-sized and centrally located municipality of Amersfoort is building a new Internet of Things infrastructure. Click here to read more.
[Dutch] Lancering CLARIAH MediaSuite – Versie 2
In december 2017 is de nieuwe versie van de CLARIAH MediaSuite gelanceerd. Met de MediaSuite kan je verschillende collecties doorzoeken. Wil je jezelf trainen in het gebruik van de MediaSuite? Van 2 t/m 6 juli 2018 is er een Summerschool. Klik hier voor meer informatie. |

(28 February 2018) [Dutch] Neem deel aan de dialoog tussen de kunsten, geneeskunde en geesteswetenschappen
Ben je professional in de sociale wetenschappen, de geesteswetenschappen of geneeskunde en geïnteresseerd in de kunsten, geneeskunde en geesteswetenschappen? Kom dan naar de publieksdialogen van de Nieuwe Utrechtse School. Elke bijeenkomst heeft een centraal thema dat de aanleiding vormt voor een indringende dialoog tussen kunstenaars, geneeskundigen, geesteswetenschappers en patiëntvertegenwoordigers. Klik hier voor meer informatie. |
(6 March 2018 – 7 March 2018) Workshop: Urban Interventions and Critical Making Research group [urban interfaces] and Utrecht University’s research master program Media, Art and Performance Studies organize a two-day workshop in collaboration with Creative Coding Utrecht, and artists Ruben van de Ven and Cristina Cochior, in partnership with Het Nieuwe Instituut, and HKU. Interested? Click here for more information.
(8 May 2018) MCW Mini-conference on Copyright, Authorship, and Open Culture Jasmijn van Gorp, Michiel Kamp and Michiel de Lange are planning an event around Copyright, Authorship, and Open Culture mini-conference, for Spring next year. Interested? Click here for more information. |

Are you organizing an event in the (nearby) future? Do you have an ongoing partnership that you would like to highlight? Would you like it to be more visible? Great! We’re happy to help spread the news about your activities via our communication channels, which include the website, the Muntstraat screen, and our newsletter. All you have to do is send an e-mail with the following information: the title of the event, the date and time it will take place, the location, possible fee, mode of registration, and a short text of approximately 200 to 300 words. If possible, also provide us with (audio)visual content such as picture- or movie files. We’re looking forward to help making your events public!
The Co.Laborations Fund is still open for applications. Use it while it lasts! For more information, click here. |
This newsletter is an initiative of Co.Laborations, the Media and Culture Studies Expertise Centre. It will be sent out on a monthly basis. COÖRDINATORS: Michiel de Lange, Sanne Sprenger ● TEAM MEMBERS: Jasmijn van Gorp, Michiel Kamp, Sigrid Merx, Domitilla Olivieri ● STUDENT MEMBERS: Francine van Beusekom, Rinke de Haan. You can contact us on