CO.LABORATIONS | Partnerships in Media and Culture


Co.Laborations newsletter #5

Dear colleagues,



During the MCW brainstorm session on March 9, a number of keywords emerged that resonate with the aims and activities of Co.Laborations. These were: interdisciplinarity; intersectionality; shared expertise; a laboratory for academic cross-fertilization and innovation; strategic alliances within the university and without; reacting alertly and activistically to current social developments in order to affect political agendas; problem-based learning. There was even a suggestion for a name to all this, that rings familiar: Collaboratorium.


Of course the Co.Laborations team cannot do all of these things by itself. I see Co.Laborations as a vehicle to help achieve our ambitions and aims, by acting as a repository of our collaborations and partnerships, by reporting on the outcomes and added value of such partnerships, by providing low-threshold seed money for staff to kickstart or sustain a partnership. Through this, we contribute to a larger story about the relevance and power of the Humanities.


We have again a number of new reports of past events, and new upcoming events in this 5th Co.Laborations newsletter. Enjoy!



Michiel de Lange



[Dutch] Ben je professional in de sociale wetenschappen, de geesteswetenschappen of geneeskunde en geïnteresseerd in de kunsten, geneeskunde en geesteswetenschappen? Kom dan naar de publieksdialogen van de Nieuwe Utrechtse School. Elke bijeenkomst heeft een centraal thema dat de aanleiding vormt voor een indringende dialoog tussen kunstenaars, geneeskundigen, geesteswetenschappers en patiëntvertegenwoordigers. Op 28 maart, 2018 vindt de volgende bijeenkomst plaats, met als thema “Zingeving van ziekte in en door muziek”. Dit zal een gesprek betreffen tussen een trompettist, een muziekwetenschapper, en een medisch ethicus over het belang van klank, stemming en toon in de ervaring van ziekte en gezondheid. De muziekwetenschapper betreft onze eigen Emile Wennekes. Hij zal daar spreken over hoe componisten hun publiek deelgenoot maken van hun ervaring met ziekte. Lees meer over de publieksdialogen van de Nieuwe Utrechtse School op onze website en de website van het UMC Utrecht.



News About MiT@UU

The organizing team of MiT@UU are happy to announce that the conference Media in Transition@UU (June 26 at Het Huis, Utrecht) will receive financial support from Co.Laborations, EYE, and Mediawijzer. Read more on the Co.Laborations website.


Critical Making Workshop

On March 6 and 7, 2018, the workshop “Critical Making of Frictional Urban Interfaces” took place. During the workshop, mixed teams worked with urban data in order to explore the growing influence of data in our current urban societies, and to raise questions about frictions. Click here to read more.


Report: Sonic Acts Academy 2018

In the end of February 2018, Sonic Acts Academy hosted a three-day festival program with several preceding workshops, inviting artists, practitioners, academics, and students in Amsterdam to join forces in answering the question of how to “turn the reproduction of knowledge to knowledge that ‘resists, supplements, thwarts, undercuts, or challenges traditional forms of knowledge’?” Click here for a full report.




(22-03-2018) Why Theatre XL?! Representation, stereotyping and typecasting

A workshop, discussion, and training about diversity in the performing arts in partnership with Why Theatre XL, Het Huis, and New Urban Collective. Click here for more information.


(28-03-2018, 25-04-2018, 23-05-2018) Neem deel aan de dialoog tussen de kunsten, geneeskunde en geesteswetenschappen

Ben je professional in de sociale wetenschappen, de geesteswetenschappen of geneeskunde en geïnteresseerd in de kunsten, geneeskunde en geesteswetenschappen? Kom dan naar de publieksdialogen van de Nieuwe Utrechtse School. Elke bijeenkomst heeft een centraal thema dat de aanleiding vormt voor een indringende dialoog tussen kunstenaars, geneeskundigen, geesteswetenschappers en patiëntvertegenwoordigers. Geïnteresseerd? Klik hier voor meer informatie.


(08-05-2018) MCW Mini-conference on Copyright, Authorship, and Open Culture
Jasmijn van Gorp, Michiel Kamp and Michiel de Lange are preparing an event on Copyright, Authorship, and Open Culture, which will take place on 8 May 17:00 – 19:00 in Parnassos. Thanks to those expressing their interest already! Click here for more information.(18/19-05-2018) Turncamp: The Art of Change: Connecting Arts, Action and Reflection.MCW is partner in organizing a two-day offline retreat with workshops, conversations and performance for students, centering on the potential of the arts the contribute to the big challenges that we face today as a global community? Click here for more information. 




Are you organizing an event in the (nearby) future? Do you have an ongoing partnership that you would like to highlight? Would you like it to be more visible? Great! We’re happy to help spread the news about your activities via our communication channels, which include the website, the Muntstraat screen, and our newsletter. All you have to do is send an e-mail to with the following information: the title of the event, the date and time it will take place, the location, possible fee, mode of registration, and a short text of approximately 200 to 300 words. If possible, also provide us with (audio)visual content such as picture- or movie files. We’re looking forward to help making your events public!



This newsletter is an initiative of Co.Laborations, the Media and Culture Studies Expertise Centre. COÖRDINATORS: Michiel de Lange, Sanne Sprenger ● TEAM MEMBERS: Jasmijn van Gorp, Michiel Kamp, Sigrid Merx, Domitilla Olivieri ● STUDENT MEMBERS: Francine van Beusekom, Rinke de Haan. You can contact us on