MCW students presenting work at Impakt Festival on 26 Oct 13:00 – 15:00
MAPPY and working with data: a collaboration with HistoryIT, Utrecht Data School and Impakt Festival
On 26 October at 13:00 in Het Huis, students from the MA program New Media & Digital Culture (dep. Media and Culture Studies) will publicly present the preliminary results of their work. One set of teams present their quest to create engaging stories and interfaces that open up cartographic archives to a general audience. Another set of teams will present their work on digital methods and data. The event is developed in close association with the 2017 IMPAKT Festival, themed “Haunted Machines, Wicked Problems”. Team presentations are followed by responses and reflections by Kristen Gwinn-Becker from HistoryIT over Skype.
The event is builds on the collaboration between Co.Laborations, Utrecht University’s Media and Culture Studies Expertise Centre, US-based technology and services company HistoryIT, and contemporary media culture and innovative audiovisual arts organization IMPAKT. The aim of this collaboration is to experiment with an innovative approach to combine education with a hands-on digital heritage project. Students in the Master’s program New Media & Digital Culture help HistoryIT to create meaningful access to digitized historical cartography archives, and in doing so generate academic insights by critically reflecting on digital media platforms and practices. This is one of the ways in which the MCW Expertise Centre wants to forge close connections between academic education and research, and the practical field of media- and culture.
The event takes place on 26 October 2016 13:00 – 15:00 at Het Huis, Boorstraat 107 Utrecht, and is publicly accessible and free.