CO.LABORATIONS | Partnerships in Media and Culture


Collaboration MA Contemporary Theatre, Dance and Dramaturgy and MA Scenography HKU

From January 8 till 12, right after the Christmas break a group of 14 students from the MA Contemporary Theatre, Dance and Dramaturgy (UU) and 11 students from the MA Scenography (HKU) worked together in small teams during an intensive studio week. This week was the fourth edition of a yearly UU-HKU exchange project in which students from both our MA program meet each other and work together. The scenography students –trained to become autonomous designers of performative spaces –  had been challenged to experiment with the potential of screens and screening to create space in a performative setting. The aim for our students – trained to become dramaturgs – was to participate actively in the creative research process of the scenography students from a critical dramaturgical perspective. For both groups the studio week was an opportunity to find out how one can collaborate in artistic processes, each from one’s own particular perspective and skills. What do designers/makers and dramaturgs/theatre scholars have to offer each other in creative processes? What can co-creation look like? How can reflection take shape in a making process? How can you be a critical friend for a maker? For our students, the week offered many insights in the many different possible approaches to artistic collaboration and a unique opportunity to practice professional skills on the work floor. Some collaborations were so inspiring that some groups decided to continue working with each other Who knows: maybe a new artistic collective was being born! We are looking forward therefore to continue this fruitful collaboration with the HKU and create opportunities for the creative professionals of the future to meet.

Photo credits: Sanne Sprenger